Re: Patient Care Costs - Definition Lynn Gibson 05 Dec 1994 16:40 EST

With response to Tony's question, I am at Baylor University Medical
Center in Dallas.  Much like Cedars-Sinai, we are a private not for
profit hospital.  We do the same thing that Bowman-Gray do on our
clincial trials and other NIH studies that involve patient care.

Supplies, travel, salaries, and general miscellaneous charges are applied
to the normal federally negiotiated rate.  The supplies (such as IVs,
disposables, drugs), room cost, and lab tests are treated as patient care
costs and the negiotiated rate for patient care is applied.  In a
simplistic way, whatever would go on a normal insurance billing for
patient care is what is considered patient care costs and everything else
is outside of that boundary.

Hope it is helpful.

Lynn Gibson
Baylor Research Institute
Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
(214) 820-2687