Has anyone received a Public Telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP)
Construction grant? If so, please comment on the requirement for filing of
a UCC-1 lien form for the equipment purchased with federal and local funds.
As a state instrumentality, we are prohibited from providing a lien on
equipment (property) purchased with state (local) funds. Additionally, it
does not seem necessary or appropriate for a state institution to sign a
UCC-1 listing themselves as debtor and the feds as a lien holder. Most
federal regs already give them a revisionary interest in any equipment
purchased with federal money.
Any comments re: this specific issue or the UCC-1 in general are
appreciated. As is the case with many things we do this time of year, I
have to respond to the feds by this afternoon. I will sign the form to
avoid losing the grant but would prefer to argue against having to sign.
The regs are cited at 15 CFR 2301. thanks.
Martha M. Taylor, Acting Director (205) 844-4438
Contracts and Grants Administration FAX (205) 844-5953
307 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5112