Graduate Student Funding-Sources DATABASE?
Kenneth D Buelow 21 Nov 1994 15:22 EST
I am aware that both SPIN and IRIS (and I assume other of the major
commercial sources of "grant/contract" funding opportunities info)
contain some information regarding sources of funding for GRADUATE
STUDENTS. However, I'd be interested to learn if there are any
searchable databases SPECIFICALLY targeted to sources of Scholarship /
Fellowship / Grant- in-Aid / etc. funding for STUDENTS at the GRADUATE
Ideally, we'd like to find one with full keyword search capabilities,
that could be "operated" by the students themselves. But, I'd be
interested in information regarding any such product approximating
what I have described.
Post to this group or reply to my e-mail address (see below).
Kenneth D. Buelow / Assistant Director for Research
The Graduate School / University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
P.O. Box 340 / Milwaukee, WI 53201
414/229-5449 / / FAX=414/229-6967