Re: Indirect cost disbursement Kathryn Wilson 01 Nov 1994 17:02 EST

In our school we receive 80% of the indirect brought in by research (20%
goes elesewhere in the university).  The Dean's Office keeps 10% of that
and returns the rest to the department that generates the indirect.  At one
time, in the Biology Department, the investigator who generated the
indirect got to keep all of it.  It was later decided, however, that
indirect cost money should be held by the department chairmen to use for
equipment replacement, computer purchases and upgrade, laboratory
renovations and the whole gamut of research support activities such funds
should be used for.  The Dean's Office uses its share of indirect for
animal room maintenence, salary for the animal room technician, renovations
etc. to support research school-wide.

**Kathryn Wilson, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development
**IUPUI, Science  (LD 3220), 401 N. Blackford St., Indianapolis, IN  46202
**Telephone: 317-278-1028; EMAIL: