Re: SRA in Seattle Elaine Steward 28 Oct 1994 11:50 EST

I went to SRA in Seattle, and will go to NCURA in Washington.

SRA was a good meeting.  Big topics were A-21, F.6.b and CAS.

Gary Talsnick (formerly DHHS, Audit [and circular policy maker],
now KPMG Pete Marwick) came down pretty hard on consistency* (esp
re: F.6.b.), as did Reed Brimhall (Stanford).

Gary thinks you need to be consistent across the institution,
rather than the school or institute, others seemed to be somewhat
more flexible.

A-128 is expected to go away in the not too distant future, to be
replaced by A-133

Mostly, I was interested in CAS and audits.  Others may have more
to say about other stuff.

Elaine Steward
University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute

*CAS #1