Re: tuition on grants anthony boccanfuso 27 Oct 1994 06:36 EST


At Bowling Green,we list tuition as a direct charge if we request it.
This is typically not the case though.

I agree with you that tuitions are growing larger (as a percent of the
award) and they are being excised from budgets during negotiations.

On Tue, 25 Oct 1994, Eleanor Cicinsky wrote:

> When we develop a budget, tuition is requested either as a fringe benefit or
> an other direct cost.  How successful are you in getting tuition support from
> the federal agencies?  I have found that when cuts are made, the tuition
> t usually is made part of the cut.  If this is the case, who then picks up the
> cost of the tuition support at your institution.?
> Eleanor Cicinsky