Product, information on pharmaceutical company JUDE, 5-5347 *TECH TRANSFER, 1 City Centre* 25 Oct 1994 21:05 EST

We access a lot of our information utilizing a combination of purchased
databases, via Knowledge Express (CORPTECH AND BIOSCAN) to name a few, and
also utilize directories from the biotech industries.  Not knowing what
your access is to this kind of information and/or your own human resources,
I suggest you contact a reference librarian in your business library
and/or your medical library.  They will be able to point you in the right
direction.  I am sure that if you indeed have a business school they will
have access to information of this type, on disk and/or on line.  Your
medical reference librarian might also be able to help you.  Rather than
tie up the time on the 'net.  I will email you names of a few directories
that you might be able to find in one of your library resource areas.  If
not, feel free to contact me..and I will try to help you out.

jude wilkinson
technology transfer
indiana university

(812) 855-5347

PS:  I will forward this to our information specialist(s) they may be able
to give you more direct information.