Re: administrative fee Richard Tomlin 24 Oct 1994 11:43 EST

Gary P. Naegel writes:

>I think you idea of having a forum/dialogue between
>non-federal sponsoring agencies and recipient institutions of research would
>help both sides of the equation!!!

We have exactly the same situation on this side of the Atlantic.  Charities
and other Foundations are a major sponsor of medical research, but have
formed a united front in refusing to make any contribution to indirect
costs.  At the same time they are becoming increasingly demanding in
relation to participation in revenues from licensing etc.  The compensation
we receive from central government is minimal and serious questions are now
having to be asked about the financial capacity of the institution to accept
awards that impose such a heavy burden on our cost structure.

If there is a general discussion of these issues taking place in the US I
think there would be a number of us from the UK who would be interested
observers and/or participants.


 Richard Tomlin                            Tel.: (+44)(0)191 222 6091
 Director of Research Services             Fax.: (+44)(0)191 222 5219
 University of Newcastle                   Telex: 53654 (UNINEW G)
 1 Park Terrace                            e-mail:
 Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, GB