Re: Disclosure of "pink sheets"
Lynn Gibson 11 Oct 1994 17:11 EST
With regard to Robert Bienkowski's question about pink sheets, we have
informed our prinicipal investigators that our president, the equivalent
to a graduate dean or provost can request the pink sheets from any grant
submission. The information contained within the pink sheet would be
kept confidential. We do not believe it to be a violation of confidential
or privelaged communication. We sponsor the application and have a right
to understand the response it receives.
It is my understanding that a fear exists that such information might be
used for consideration in tenure status and employment in general. Since
we are not an academic institution, tenure is not a factor. However
successful grantsmanship is key to continued employment. The proof of
improving reviews may be the difference in the provision of bridging
funds and dismissal.
Good luck with your search for the best answer.