(no subject) Kaaren Downey 27 Sep 1994 11:18 EST


Who is the Sponsor?  The for-profit entity (i.e., industry) or another
granting source such as NIH?


>Subject:  Lab Note Books
>I am interested to find out when you negotiate research agreements with
>a for-profit entity have you been requested to include language in the
>research agreement which provides that upon the request the Sponsor may
>receive copies of records and witnessed laboratory notebooks.  We usually
>agree to provide to the Sponsor reports of the results of the research,
>which usually means the analyzed results, but not raw data.  Have any of you
>out there receive a similar request and how do you respond?  Thanks for
>your help.
>Marjorie Forster
>Director, Office of Sponsored
>  Programs Administration
>University of Maryland at Baltimore
Kaaren J. Downey                         PHONE:  (314) 362-5862
Assistant Director, Sponsored            FAX:    (314) 362-5872
Projects Services
Washington University
Medical Campus Research Office
724 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8013
St. Louis, MO