On-Line Assistance Terry A. May 21 Sep 1994 18:51 EST

 The National Archives has established a gopher address to help access
federal information.  It includes the recent Tables of Contents for the
Federal Register as well as references to Public Laws.  The full text of
the FR notices are not there, but it does assist in seaching titles in a
variety of ways, including by agencies and key words.  The address is

 NSF has also established a WWW address which basically duplicates the
material available on STIS by gopher.  However, I suspect the usefulness
will increase over time.  The pictures of past directors, etc. are pretty
good.  The address there is "http://www.nsf.gov/".  The quotation marks are
not part of the addresses.

Terry A. May, Ph.D.                       Voice:    602-523-6788
  Director of Research Administration     FAX:      602-523-1075
  Office of Grant & Contract Services     INTERNET: xxxxxx@nauvax.ucc.nau.edu
  100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
  Northern Arizona University
  Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4130