Re: monitoring expenditures Lynn Gibson 18 Sep 1994 17:49 EST

In response to Judy's questions about monitoring supplies, we have
subscribed to the thought that each expenditure should be monitored.
There are too many PI's that think they don't need to worry about budget
and that the institution will bail them out.

I have already eaten enough overruns from "lab supplies".  Some
institutions give IDC back to departments to handle this.  I have been
put into a fully cost recovery method.  This means that we must cover all
of our expenditures which includes paying rent for lab space and
administration.  We just do not have it.  Institutions who do not put
such expectations on their departments and move and distribute the cost

After living in both worlds, I have become to believe more in
accountability to both the project and the institution.  PI's need to
start to understand both science and business.  The better PIs seem to be
able to do this.

Good luck

Lynn Gibson
Baylor Research Institute
(214) 820-2687