Hi everyone,
We are in the middle of preparing for a reaccreditation visit from Middle
States. The committee preparing for the visit needs some comparative data and
I was hoping list readers would be willing to send me some info. We're looking
for the amount of in-house grant funding (e.g. research incentive monies,
internal grants, research associateships, etc.) as well as info on the amount of
external grants received (e.g. number of proposal submissions/awards/funding
To give you some background on IUP, we are the largest of the 14 state owned
universities in the State System of Higher Education in Pennsylvania. We are
primarily undergraduate, but offer graduate programs leading to Masters and
Doctoral degrees. We submitted 233 proposals for external funding during AY
1993-94, and received 137 awards for $5,057,964. Last year, our awards
totalled $7.4 million.
I would very much appreciate any data you'd be willing to share with us. My
internet address is listed below.
thank you very much!!
Michele Sanchez xxxxxx@grove.iup.edu
113 Stright Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1087
Michele Sanchez xxxxxx@grove.iup.edu
113 Stright Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1087