Re: NASA GSRP Fellowships Lien, Sheila 30 Aug 1994 10:27 EST

We accepted such an award on 7/7/92 and we received the award on 10/27/92.
 We talked to Lynne Keffer (202) 358-1525 of NASA and she said it was OK for
us to OPAS, even though it was a training grant, as it takes time for NASA
to process the paper work.
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: NASA GSRP Fellowships
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 1994 2:41PM

Has anyone received GSRP Fellowships from NASA?  If so, have you had a
problem with receiving the appropriate award documentation?  We received a
letter that notified us of the award in April.  We have talked to NASA
several times and were assured the paperwork was on its way.  However, to
this date we still have not received the award document.

Any suggestions??

*  Glenda A. Luecke, Coordinator        Voice:  (314)341-4135   *
*  Office of Research Services          Fax:    [314]341-4126   *
*  University of Missouri-Rolla         EMail: *
*  101 ME Annex                                                 *
*  Rolla, MO  65401                                             *