ADDRESS CHANGES Liz Mazzella 15 Aug 1994 13:27 EST

Well I am back from a quick vacation, so those of you who have
sent me some administrative "listowner" type requests, bear with me--
I am catching up.

I have recently received some requests from individuals asking me
to change their e-mail address on RESADM-L.

If you have had a change in address, you should unsubscribe from
your old address and then resubscribe from your new address.You should
unsubscribe before your address changes --if you try to do it from your
new address, it won't work.

To UNSUBSCRIBE send the e-mail message UNSUBSCRIBE RESADM-L to

Then simply send the SUBSCRIBE RESADM-L FirstName Lastname message
from your new address to re-activate your subscription.


* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
* Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *