Re: Dissemination of Res. Adm. Policy
Len Paplauskas 22 Jul 1994 07:05 EST
Rob Unger <xxxxxx@COSY.AB.UMD.EDU> writes:
>Regarding dissemination of research policies, I say have faculty GOPHER it.
>It's not too difficult to set up a gopher server (the place where the
>information resides) and the gopher client (the machine asking for information
>from the server) is easy to use. Both are free. Sending out paper and disks i
>costly and requires lots of time. Through gopher, the information is
>immediately available, easily updated, readily accessed, and, for the most part
>free. The address for the gopher where our's resides is: and
>the path to our information is /U of Md Graduate School/Sponsored
>Research/Principal Invest Handbook
I agree, at UCHC we have started to place all of our res. adm. policies on
one of our gophers, along with pointers to the NIH gopher (which includes the
NIH Guide), and pointers to other university funding source gophers. The
to keep information current, and easily accessible, is greatly facilitated
by such gophers.
Leonard P. Paplauskas Assistant Vice President for Research |
203-679-3173 University of Connecticut Health Center |
FAX 679-2670 Farmington, CT 06030-5355 |
| | |