responses to location quest Alex Thompson 14 Jul 1994 05:46 EST

                       Subject:                               Time:8:51 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          responses to location question         Date:7/14/94
Fellow list members:
Thank you for your many responses to my question asking where you are located
within the organizational structure and who you report to.  For anyone
interested, these are the results:
Of the 15 responses (counting myself) which addressed this question:
7 pre-award offices reported to the Dean of Research (or equivalent position)
and 5 of the 8 indicated that the Dean of Research reported to the Academic VP
(or equivalent.) (NOTE:  one of these respondents was from a research hospital
where the research is conducted through a non-profit organization.)
4 pre-award offices reported to the School of Graduate Studies (or equivalent)
and 2 of those indicated that the school of graduate studies in turn reported
to the Academic Vice Chancellor.
3 pre-award offices (including mine) reported to the Academic VP (or
equivalent.)  In my case, we do not have a Dean of Research and the Academic
VP, who is also the Dean of Faculty assumes those responsibilities.
1 pre-award office was part of External Affairs which in turn reported to the
The trend obviously plants us firmly in the realm of Academic Affairs.
In addition, 3 indicated that post-award functions were performed in their
office, 4 (including me) reported that their Business Office handled post-award
functions, and 2 indicated that the their post-award office reported to the
business office.
16 people responded to my larger question re. the relationship between the
grants office and advancement (development) office.  The overwhelming advice
seems to be that cooperation is the only way to make this work and that good
communication between the two offices is essential if we are to avoid the
embarrassment of two people contact the same sponsor.  When people began to
relay their own stories however, it appears that while cooperation is ideal it
is not always possible.
Mike McCallister, Limbaugh U says:  "I am considering proposing a desktop
research foundation to counter the development foundation's ability to go
around state travel and purchasing procedures."
Wm. E. Campbell, Director, Grants and Research at UW-River Falls wrote:
"If I were you I would resist mightily the development office.  Argue that the
right way to search for grants is to generate the idea first, then search for
funding sources -- public or private.  If faculty/staff have to go somewhere
else to look for foundation sources, their energies will be dissipated and they
will be less likely to be funded.  Our foundation handles contributions to the
college, they run the annual fund drive -- but they don't mess with grants."
Marjorie Foster, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration,
Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore gave lots of great advice including:   "We
maintain that the Development Office/UMAB Foundation is not equipped to deal
with such issues as: human subjects, animals, radiation safety, environmental
health and safety, etc.  They are not equipped to handle the negotiation of
grant awards or contracts. They do not have the backup to deal with liability
We have a policy which states that if the proposal is investigator initiated,
uses University resources, manpower, space, where there is gui pro quo, reports
required, specific terms and conditions, contract, etc. them the proposal will
be run through my office, particularly proposals to the federal government,
state, local city government."
Sally Tremaine from Yale's Office of Grant and Contract Administration
commented:  "We have never had an actual confrontation with Development about
this -- our staff "informs" Development about proposals we are working on that
will be sent to foundations, but we do not see the need to get "permission."
We have agreed to share our database with them, but they will not allow us to
view theirs.  It's the age-old problem of conflict between two very different
types of offices.  Good luck."
Christina Hansen, Director, Office of Contract and Grant Administration, U of
Cal., Irvine says:  "Your goal should be to break down the "territorial
boundaries" and convince your development office that you both want the same
thing for your institution -- to increase support to the campus and provide
service to your faculty."
And, there were a couple of success stories:
Kathleen Harris, Assistant Vice Provost, Texas Tech Univ.  reports a good
working relationship with the development office.  "We got together and
prepared a joint statement on the functions of the two offices.  The key was to
distinguish between types of awards rather than types of agencies and to set up
procedures whereby we both handle some proposals and awards."
Alexandra Thompson, Grants Coordinator
Armstrong State College, Savannah  GA