(no subject) Williams, Teresa 11 Jul 1994 14:52 EST

Last week I asked others to identify software they use for tracking
grants/budgets at the post-award level.  The responses and comments are
summarized below:

1.  "Grants Manager" for the Macintosh by Niles & Associates ("It's not that
great, but it does the job")

2.  RAMS (Research Administration Management System)  "We are not
satisfied....and we are looking at the preaward and postaward systems from
Peat Marwick."

3.  ACCESS 2.0 software-- used to develop a pre-award tracking system and
interface with post-award administration

From these responses, I'm  assuming there really isn't a great commercial
software package available for grants management at the post-award level.
 As one person responded to me, it is likely that most have developed their
own 'homegrown'  database systems for this purpose.  I would be grateful for
any additional info on this subject.

Teresa Williams
Research Coordinator
Department of Radiology
Indiana University School of Medicine
ph:  317-274-1975
fax:  317-274-4074