I prepare three types of Annual Reports for Marquette University. The first is
a report for The Committee on Research which provides internal funding for
summer fellowships and small research grants, and small faculty development
awards. The report provides a listing of the people who received each type of
award during the year. It also has a breakdown by department of awards, amount
requested and amount awarded.
The other two reports of for external grants and contracts. One is a fiscal
year report that has narrative, charts and for the first time this year,
graphs. It compares applications and awards for the FY to the prior FY, and
over the last 10 fys. It gives the number of applications and the dollar
amount. It also provides information as to the sponsor types (federal,
corporate, state, foundation. It has a special section on research apps & award
s, including talking
about the number of apps & awards by first timers. It has a section on the
activity of each of the doctoral departments. There is a section on apps and
awards that have a minority focus of some kind. We have a section of future
trends, indirect costs, and free comentary.
The third report is a listing by department and PI of every extrenal app and
award for the fiscal year. It includes name of PI, title of the app/award and
first year dollar amount (direct and indirects). It is distributed to VPs, all
deans and chairs. The other report is submitted to VPs.