What Are You Called? Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D., Med. Col. of Ohio 29 Jun 1994 06:16 EST

 It may seem trivial, but I am considering changing the name of
our office to better describe what we do.  We currently call ourselves
Research & Grants Administration, but typically we are referred to simply as
"the grants office" and I HATE that.  Currently this office handles the
 1)  Pre- and Post-award sponsored programs activities
 (we monitor all expenditures from grants, but
 grants accounting, the number crunching, is
 handled by institutional accounting)
 2)  Research Regulatory Compliance (IRB, IACUC, Recombinant
 DNA, Scientific Misconduct, Chemical and Biological
 Hazards, conflict-of-interest)
 3)  Development and implementation of institutional
 research policy
 4)  Technology Transfer

 I would be very interested in knowing what other offices which
handle similar functions call themselves.  If individuals would respond
directly to me, I will be glad to compile and post the responses,
if there is sufficient interest in the topic.

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.           VOICE:  (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research        FAX:    (419) 381-4262
Medical College of Ohio         e-mail: xxxxxx@CUTTER.MCO.EDU
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614