Here at WSU, faculry, chairs, and deans receive monthly printed statements.
By the time they get them (about the fifth working day), they are inaccurate.
They can also access the information in their college business office (and
most department offices) but the on-line reports don't include what the PI
just decided to send to purchasing or next month's long distance charges or
whatever else one can think of. the information contained in any report is
only as good as the interpretation the reader puts on the report. We just keep
working on the problem.
The first step is to get the majority of the PIs to READ the reports we send
to them. Once we do that, we can work on teaching them what the reports mean.
After that, we'll worry about instant access with absolutely perfect info.
By the way, we have about 325 active accounts for about 150 PIs with an
annual volume of about $23-25 nillion.
Phil Spina
Wright State University