Re: Do you look at where the money comes from? Jonathan 03 Jun 1994 12:35 EST

>Robert Bienkowski <BIENKOWS%xxxxxx@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU>,
>sent out a message 'Do you look at where the money comes from?'
> Now my question is do any universities or college out there have
>policies about not accepting research funds from certain sources. In
>particluar, I am thinking about the Council for Tobacco Research.

In Australia, the Anti-Cancer Council will not fund any researcher
receiving money from the Tobacco Research Corporation.

I don't think that it holds the other way around, though.

> Does anyone worry about these things?

Some researchers do, but more about health than war, I think.

As an administrator, I feel disempowered; I am serving a customer, no
matter what the request.  I'm not brave enough to say, 'No, I won't
advertise Defense Science and Technology opportunities (read DoD in
USA) and I won't administer the Co-operative Research Centre in
Aerospace Technology.'

I would support a university ban on Classified research, even though that
could silence one of our best pure mathematicians (cryptographer).
However, I cannot forsee the university implementing such a ban unless

And there is the problem of stopping, once you get started on something
like this (That 'ol PC magic, got me in its spell...).  You can't tell where
theoretical research will lead (either good or bad).

Jonathan O'Donnell
Research Development Unit
RMIT Faculty of Business
Phone +61 3 660 3459
Fax +61_3_660_3789