Restricting sources of funding JUDE, 5-5347 *TECH TRANSFER, 1 City Centre* 01 Jun 1994 09:34 EST

I worked for several years in an area studies program (African Studies) on
the Indiana University campus.  During my tenure we became involved in a
national and local debate concerning DOD funding.  The historical precedent
did not come from 60's activism, it was grounded in the fact that area
studies researchers especially in developing countries found it difficult
to conduct research if it was felt that they had ties to the military.
Whether or not it was the case the "look of impropriety" was one that
several of our areas studies centers wanted to guard against.

There were a few centers at other universities that did take direct defense
funding.  Our director and area studies faculty, at that time, did not wish
to compromise present and future researchers and to the best of my
knowledge, they continue to decline DOD funds.

It is my understanding that on our campuses, in other areas, that DOD
funding is utilized.

Personally I feel that researchers routinely evaluate the impact of funding
sources on their research, it is often a personal and/or peer decision that
is not mandated by University administration.

jude wilkinson
assistant director
technology transfer
indiana university
one city centre, suite 314