Compensation for Trainees on NIH Grants Domenica G. Pappas 27 May 1994 10:49 EST

In reply to Karen Pfister from NY:

Since the stipend level designated by NIH is a small amount, we supplement
our pre/post doc's salary from NON-FEDERAL FUNDS, and it is my
understanding that an individual who receives a stipend on a NRSA training
grant may be supplemented from NON-FEDERAL FUNDS ONLY.

These individuals are devoting 40 hours per week (or more) to the grant.

Domenica G. Pappas
Administrative Supervisor
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 E. Superior Street, Suite 1406
Chicago, IL  60611
voice:          (312)  908-1265
fax:      (312)  908-2208