During the last 3 years NCURA's Region 3 has been engaged in a
process to improve our ability to share information. A committee has
examined the member needs (via survey) and the long term committments
(via institutional members) required for such an endeavor.
Currently, we are in the implementation phase of this GOPHER project.
Therefore, the GOPHER host (at GA TECH) will house all of the menu
items and when fully implemented will transparently move you to
another regional computing center for that particular aspect. In
approximately 2 weeks, the institutional profiles will be available
which builds on regional efforts for a number of years. These
hard copy profiles have been scanned, edited, and will be released
shortly thanks to the efforts of Dottie Baker @ UNC Chapel Hill.
Each menu item will work essentially the same way. Please be patient
as we work to fully implement our plan!
The committee (formed under the NCURA umbrella) has had
representation from members that are active in both NCURA & SRA. I
suspect that our efforts have likely caused the national components
to look seriously at such electronic communication. I believe that
NCURA will bring up a national gopher (or BBS) during the next year.
It is then intention of Region 3 that our GOPHER simply complement
and NOT to duplicate such national efforts.
Should you have comments or questions regarding this matter, please
don't hesitate to contact me OR Bruce Furino (University of Central
Florida) -- xxxxxx@ucf1vm.bitnet.
Thanks for all of your interest in this project.
Nancy L. Wilkinson
Assistant Vice President for Research/
Associate Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
1462 Clifton Road, N.E. #302
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Emory University
PHONE:(404) 727-2503 FAX:(404) 727-2509
Reply to: xxxxxx@OSP.EMORY.EDU