NCURA Region III Gopher Wanda G Brewer 24 May 1994 11:48 EST

I accessed NCURA Region III's Gopher server and other than boilerplate
information on NCURA and short section on Officer's of Region III
there was nothing else available.  Is this Gopher in its formative
stage?  While there was lists of job opportunities, policies and
procedures, institutional profiles... I received a "nothing available"
message as I tried to access these submenus.

Moreover, NCURA region V just started its own listserv.  It seems
to me that this listserv and a "National" NCURA/SRA Gopher would better
facilitate the needs of the research administration community as a

Surfing the net in Dallas...Wanda

Ms. Wanda Green Brewer
The University of Texas at Dallas           Internet:
Office of Sponsored Projects                Phone:    214/690-2315
P.O. Box 830688, M/S MP 1.7                 Fax:      214/690-2310
Richardson, TX   75083-0688