Grad Res Assts Margarita Ham 13 May 1994 10:02 EST

> > The University of Arizona is considering implementing a plan to charge
> > grants and contracts for in-state registration fees and out-of-state
> > tuition for graduate research assistants.
> >
> > Is anyone currently doing this?
> > Are there any problems?  audit pitfalls?
> > Do sponsoring agencies normally fund the fees and tuition?
> > What do you do in cases where the sponsor will not fund the fees and
> >    tuition?   How often does this occur?
> > Do you charge overhead on the fees and tuition?
> Yikes!
> This doesn't answer your question directly but may be relevant to
> your problem. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign we assess
> a tuition and fee (now at 31.7%) on grad res assts salaries.  This is
> is an indirect cost.  The tuition paid by students is collected
> by the state which later "appropriates" it for the University.  You can
> guess the implication of this annual funding game.
> Charging it as indirect allows the $ to come to the university directly.
> And we do not differentiate between in-state and out-of-state on grants.
> The pitfall I see in addition to the administrative burden is that
> it will affect how investigators select research assistants.  We all
> can agree that we should nurture home-grown talent but excellence
> in research should supersede this bias.....
> Good luck!
> Margarita Ham
> University of Illinois