Calls for Proposals on Sustainable Development, FYI? JUDE, 5-5347 *TECH TRANSFER, 1 City Centre* 09 May 1994 13:56 EST

From one of my "lists".  Enjoy or delete.
jude wilkinson
indiana university
technology transfer
one city centre, suite 314
bloomington, in 47404
(812) 855 5347


announces a

Call for Proposals
on Sustainable Development

in cooperation with
The World Engineering Partnership
For Sustainable Development

The World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development has been
established to foster enterprise among international engineering societies in
their efforts to promote engineering practices leading to sustainable
development.  This partnership, in cooperation with The Center for Field
Research, has issued a call for proposals which require volunteer engineering
assistance anywhere in the world to address urgent environmental impact
assessment in concert with sustainable development enterprise.  The proposals
will be peer-reviewed by The Center for Field Research for presentation to the
World Engineering Partnership and Earthwatch for joint funding in 1995 - 1996.

Engineers, scientists, architects, economists, urban and industrial planners
are eligible to apply as individuals or as teams.  Project Managers or
Principal Investigators must oversee all field work through the production of
project reports and policy recommendations.  Engineering firms and professional
societies may also participate.  There are no geographical limitations.
Professionals from any country are urged to apply.

Field-based demonstration projects which promote sustainable development or
support the United Nations environmental initiatives outlined in Agenda 21 will
be given priority.  Interdisciplinary projects designed for multi-national
participation are encouraged, e.g.
o       Environmental and technological impact assessment
o       Projects which establish metrics for sustainability in a given
o       Projects that address the use and deployment of alternate energy and
 transportation systems
o       Programs that contemplate systems of life-cycle analysis of project
 impacts on eco-systems
o       Projects whose design requirements require low or no-waste
o       Demonstration programs that engage local stakeholders in design and
 implementation roles e.g, local business leaders, teachers, students,
 women, civil authorities, farmers, and students
o       Engineering solutions to urgent public health problems
o       Projects that offer case study replication for engineering schools

Grants for demonstration projects will range from $10,000 to $50,000 depending
on length of time and number of volunteer participants involved.  Typical
projects might employ 4 to 8 volunteers, from different professions, each on 3
to 6 sequential teams over several months.  Project teams normally spend 7 to
15 days in the field as most participants are on leave from their professional
organizations.  Preliminary proposals should be submitted at least one year in
advance of anticipated field dates.  Proposals are invited and reviewed by the
Center on a monthly basis.

The Center for Field Research is public, non-profit institution established in
1973 to encourage private enterprise in global problem solving.  Earthwatch is
an international membership organization funding environmental and science
projects in 60 counties.  The World Engineering Partnership is a collaboration
of professional organizations devoted to the constructive and sustainable
practice of engineering worldwide.
All correspondence should be directed to Dr. Andrew Hudson, Acting Executive
Director, The Center for Field Research
680 Mt. Auburn Street o Watertown, MA 02272 o Phone 617-926-8200 o Fax
617-926-8532 o Internet

This RFP is also included as an enclosure in MSWord5.1; please post.