Proj/Prop Evaluation Jean Humphries 09 May 1994 08:41 EST

With respect to your second's always a good idea to
encourage PI's to obtain the reviewer's comments.  Many agencies (like NSF)
automatically send these evaluations to the "rejected" proposers; others
one must specifically request.  The valuable feedback that many PI's
overlook is requesting the reviewers comments for their successful
proposals to see what they did right!  For some unexplainable reason this
seems to be a difficult concept to get across.  Which sponsors to request
from....ALL of them.  What's the worst they can say?  No?  I've never heard
of one refusing when specifically asked.

Good luck.

Jean Humphries
Director, TEES Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
College Station, TX 77843-3406

Telephone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:  (409) 845-9643
>Does anyone have a recommendation on the value of Capitol Publications'
>"Effective Evaluation"  ($59) and The Grantseeker's Guide to Effective
>evaluation" ($49) as references sources for grantseekers and for workshop
>development. Or are there better, inexpensive non-academic references?
>With respect to another aspect of evaluation, have you found it useful to
>request the reviewers' proposal evaluation sheets from agencies: which
>sponsors? I know the Department of Education encourages applicants to
>request application sheets.
>I look forward to your comments. Best wishes, Charlie.
>Charlie Graham, Director, Office of Sponsored Research
>117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
>Baton Rouge, LA 50310       504-388-8692    xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU
>Charlie Graham, Director, Office of Sponsored Research
>117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
>Baton Rouge, LA 50310       504-388-8692    xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU

Jean N. Humphries
Director, TEES Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
College Station, TX 77843-3406

Telephone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:  (409) 845-9643