Re: grant searches Krones, Jacquie 06 May 1994 12:34 EST

I subscribe to APA, NSF, and NATO.  I use Gopher all of the time.  I
especially like STIS, and the NIH Gopher, but I also us the DoEd's gopher,
the Commission on National and Community Service Gopher, NASA, and NIST.   I
sometimes telnet to FEDIX and Fedworld.

We are really headed toward making as much information available
electronically as possible.  This summer, we are hiring a Grad Assistant to
put the SPIN database on Gopher, as well the daily IRIS posts of the CBD.
 We will have to restrict access to ASU for IRIS and SPIN because of site
license restrictions.  We have only just begun the development of our Gopher
Server, but you are welcome to take a look at it   You can find us at
"".  Under "ASU Campus information", we are "Research and
Creative Activities".

We are lucky because we have fabulous support from Information Technology.
 They developed software that makes it simple for us to post information on
our Gopher Server and to "point" it to other resources available on the
internet.  We've been talking about offering classes for faculty in
conjunction with Information Technology and Faculty Development to teach
them about what Internet resources are available in their discipline.

I think electronic resources for research administrators would be an
excellent NCURA or SRA presentation topic.

Jacquie Krones
Funding Information Officer
Arizona State University
Box 871603
Tempe, AZ 85287-1603

(602) 965-6793

How many are subscribed to various listserv lists that provide grant info
APA-l and how many use gopher to get info?