Re: secretaries' day Martha M. Taylor 27 Apr 1994 22:48 EST

A company named CareerTrack offers one day workshops around the country for
less than $100 that are quite useful.  They provide a fairly inexpensive
day away from the office with an opportunity to learn something new about
professionalism, dealing with others, communication skills, interpersonal
skills, and many other personal growth topics.  I attended a few with some
of my office peers and really enjoyed them.  Often the information was
brand new and sometimes it was simple common sense "stuff" that I had
forgotten in the daily rush to "get things done".

The most current address that I have in my files is:

1800 38th Street
Boulder,  CO.

There are other companies who provide this type of service but this is the
one with which I have had the most exposure.

>Hello everyone,
>I've often thought that secretaries should also have an opportunity to attend
>professional meetings, conferences, as a way of returning to the office with a
>new outlook after a day or two away.  I am not aware of such meetings, but if
>anyone has any information, could you respond?  I just know that when I'm given
>the chance to go to professional meetings, I come back feeling refreshed (that
>is, until I'm snowed under by the mound of work that's waiting for me!).
>Michele Sanchez                       
>113 Stright Hall
>Indiana University of Pennsylvania
>Indiana, PA  15705-1087

Martha M. Taylor, Acting Director                                    (205)
Contracts and Grants Administration                        FAX (205) 844-5953
307 Samford Hall                             internet:
Auburn University,  AL  36849-5112