Last minute proposals, indirect costs Connie Shanahan, Southern IL Univ. 12 Apr 1994 08:55 EST

We have recently introduced a "last-minute" policy here at Southern Illinois Un
iversity Carbondale that seems to be working.  We will still process proposals
brought in at the last minute, but will not copy in our office any if the compl
eted proposal is not in our office at least one full working day prior to the t
ime it needs to be sent out.  This means that the burden for last-minute copyin
g is on the PI--a good incentive for them to be somewhat more responsive.

On another issue:  Does anyone know what procedure is used by private not-for-p
rofit agencies to determine an indirect cost rate for proposals submitted to fe
deral agencies?  This is supposed to be in Circular A-122:  Where can we get a
copy of this?

Connie Shanahan, Information Specialist, Southern Illinois University Carbondal