Funny that the issue of proposal deadlines come up. At my institution we
have an office deadline that is considered institutional policy. Faculty
are supposed to have their proposal into the Office of Research three days
prior to the deadline date. This policy was set so that proposals would be
reviewed, thus alleviating the chance that grants would be submitted with
glaring errors. Problem is, our faculty DO NOT abide by the policy. As a
matter of fact they disregard it almost completely. Faculty always wait until
the last hour and then expect their emergency to be your emergency. As a
result I am expected to review grants on a last minute basis. Most are
quickly reviewed, signed, sealed and delivered. I complain, the Associate
Dean threatens but....faculty will be faculty. Which raises another question.
Does any institution withhold signature leaving the faculty in a lurch? I
would be interested in hearing how other's get their faculty to comply.
Rebecca Bacon
Eastern Virginia Medical School