RE- Late Proposals Sally Tremaine 11 Apr 1994 09:24 EST

                       Subject:                               Time:9:10 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          RE:  Late Proposals                    Date:4/11/94
Yale used to have a policy that PI's must allow ten working days for review of
proposals.  Of course, we rarely see proposals that early and make every effort
to process them, even at the last minute.  We dropped the 10-day rule last
year, however--our C&L auditors cited us because we were not enforcing the
policy!  If a proposal comes in at the last minute and we are not able to give
it our usual thorough review, we will go ahead and sign it, with the proviso
that if problems are found later that can't be resolved, the proposal will be
withdrawn.  I love Arizona's incentive plan of returning overhead to
"cooperative" PI's--we must rely on the good nature of our faculty (why is it
that the biologists are the worse offenders?)   --Sally Tremaine, Yale
University Office of Grant & Contract Administration