Early Mon AM Mike McCallister 08 Apr 1994 17:18 EST

We have this new faculty member in our geology department
    who is submitting a proposal with Indiana U (his present
    post-doc location).  In this group proposal they have
    budgeted a graduate assistantship salary that is about
    twice what we pay here in Limbaughland.
    Of course I want to satisfy the researcher and he wants
    to be consistent in salary with the other GA's on the
    project on the other campi.
    My Dean has asked, "Can we create a new level of
    graduate assistantship here on OUR campus for which we
    can justify this higher rate of pay and will this be a
    problem for the sponsor?"
   I have been on several schools at which there are
different rates of pay with the Colleges, but this is a new
    concept here.  Does anyone think that the sponsor will
    take exception for our calling what is a "graduate
    assistant" in the budget something like a "graduate
    research associate" or "graduate assistnat II?"