I have noticed an increase in the number of subagreements from other
universitys that state that they (the univ.who received the funds from the
fed agency) will retain title to equipment. Period.
They may opt to turn over title to equipment at the end of the agreement, but
that is not automatic.
We at Rutgers have a problem with this, obviously, and although we have neem
able to change it on some agreements, it seems to be coming up more and more
I'd like to aks you all...
1) Why do you think *other* universities are incline to make more work for
themselves and their subcontractors?
2) Do these universities actually *want* title the the equipment purchased
off these grants?
3) What arguments documentation can you come up with tto combat these. I
have been using language from PHS and NSF, since they are usually the prime
sponsores of these agreement.
Michelle Christy, Frustrated at seeing this yet one more time on a Friday
Thanks in advance for yout help and comments
Michelle D. Christy
Rutgers University, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone - 908/445-4954 Fax - 908/445-3257 xxxxxx@gandalf.rutgers.edu