A110 in electronic form Liz Mazzella 22 Mar 1994 09:02 EST

I have a copy of A-110 in electronic form that I can send you on disk.
(I would try sending it electronically but I am a novice and it will
be alot faster to send you a disk.) If anyone out there is going
to send it electronically, please post your intent so that I don't
waste the postage.  If I see no other postings by days end it
will go out today.

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
* Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
* Health Research, Inc. 66 Hackett Blvd. Albany NY 12209      *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *