Funding info Marcia Landen Zuzolo 08 Mar 1994 14:25 EST

I'm surprised at the problem with getting guidelines from NEH.  We don't have a
problem there, although they don't maintain a mailing list and if the
information you request isn't available, you just keep calling back until it
is.  We track NEH guidelines through their Humanities magazine and routinely
call to request guidelines for programs with deadlines falling in the next two
to three months.

I have no clue as to how to get timely information from Dept. of Ed.  I share
your frustration.  Has anyone used the new ED Board?  It's a dial-up bulletin
board from ED's Grants and Contracts.  I've not used it yet, and was just
wondering if it's worth the long-distance call, and what the difference is
between that and the OERI stuff out on Gopher?

-Marcia Zuzolo
Indiana University