Online grant writing workshop Judy L Fredenberg 17 Feb 1994 16:45 EST

Is anyone familiar with the online interactive grant writing workshop,

Atached are excerpts from the informational brochure.


The workshop will be conducted entirely by e-mail to subscribers who
have access to the Internet.  Topics will be presented on a daily basis by
the workshop leader. Questions and responses to the topics or comments
will be moderated by the workshop leader and shared with all.  The
primary mode of communication will be asynchronous (meaning
participants are not intentionally on-line at the same time).

Who Should Register:

Grant proposal writers (new, experienced, potential) and grant
administrators will benefit from this workshop.  The focus will be on
competitive government grants, but most of the material is general enough
to apply to any type grant.  The content will be tailored to the interests
and background of the participants as far as possible. Contract proposals
will NOT be covered in this workshop.

Topics to be Covered:

Developing a strategic plan for funding through proposal writing
Using the Internet to enhance proposal planning and writing effectiveness
Identifying realistic funding sources
Using funding agency guidelines effectively
Interacting with funding agencies
Tailoring projects to particular agencies or RFPs (Requests for Proposal)
Choosing and winning partners
The Preliminary Proposal
Budgeting realistically and effectively
The most important elements to include in the proposal
Tips on effective proposal writing
The mechanics of proposal review
Tricks of the trade


The workshop fee is $100.00 per participant.  Post-workshop
personalized consultations (by e-mail or other means) are available at
$100 per hour.

