Export Controls, Restricted Parties Screening | Vendors Mark Lynam (10 Sep 2020 09:34 EST)
Re: [EXT][RESADM-L] Export Controls, Restricted Parties Screening | Vendors Schultz, Lori Ann Mcallester - (lschultz) (10 Sep 2020 10:52 EST)

Export Controls, Restricted Parties Screening | Vendors Mark Lynam 10 Sep 2020 09:34 EST


Our institution's contract for export control & RPS screening will soon be expiring and we may have to bid for a new contract.

Who are some of vendors and service providers for restricted/denied parties screening, export control, and related compliance that your institution uses or that you're aware of?

I only know of a few:

* Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting (ECS)
* Descartes  (Visual Compliance)
* Shipping Solutions

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mark Lynam
Tennessee Technological University


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