Updated NIH Biosketch and other support forms
Linda Dement 19 Mar 2020 10:04 EST
Good morning,
Please note that NIH has posted the updated Other Support and Biographical Sketch forms with new expiration dates online for use.
You can find the Biosketch and other support on the forms repository page (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/all-forms-and-formats.htm#fp) or on the biosketch page (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm) or other support page format page (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/othersupport.htm).
NIH has confirmed they are working on changes to the Biographical Sketch, but nothing is final yet nor do they have a specific timeline. As always, the public will be notified in advance of any changes via a guide notice.
Thank you.
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