HRSA Biosketch vs Resume Hilda Alajajian 17 May 2019 12:36 EST

Good Afternoon,

I’m inquiring on behalf of my colleague, Jeralyn Haraldsen regarding the HRSA NOFO RCORP-RCOE ( )
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Rural Centers of Excellence on Substance Use Disorders.
Please see her question below. Thank you.  Hilda

Hi all,

I am working with a faculty member who is responding to a HRSA funding opportunity. The NOFO requests both a biosketch AND resume for all key personnel. Do any of you with more HRSA experience have insight into which information should be included in the biosketch vs. resume? I’m much more familiar with the NIH format. How would you reorganize the typical info on an NIH-format biosketch to meet the HRSA requirements?

These are the instructions:

Attachment 5: Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions with Biographical Sketches for Key Personnel (see Section of HRSA’s SF-424 R&R Application Guide)
Provide a staffing plan with justification for key personnel supported by the award. Include three documents for each key award-funded position:
•	Position description (no more than one page) that details desired qualifications and describes the role and responsibilities in relation to the overall proposed project;
•	(b) Biographical sketch (no more than one page) for the individual proposed to fill the award-funded position that describes the individual’s knowledge, skills, and competencies that will allow for unique contributions to the proposed project; and
•	(c) One-page resume for the individual proposed to fill the award-funded position.

Thanks in advance for any guidance on this!

Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhD
Grant Proposal Manager
University of Vermont

Hilda Alajajian, MLS | Grant Resource Specialist
University of Vermont
Research Administration and Integrity
P: 802-656-1322 | | Find Funding


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