The "Fall Call:" The Journal of Health and Human Experience Dr. Edward Gabriele 08 Apr 2019 20:20 EST

Now that we have published our JHHE Spring 2019 edition, I want to stoke the fires with a new call for manuscripts for our Fall 2019 edition! The entire message is below. I hope you will consider submitting….and spreading the word to your researchers/investigators in all fields (humanities, sciences, professions etc) as well as research administration colleagues to consider doing the same.

As always, we are looking for academic articles, Open Forum editorial discussions on law/ethics/healthcare, relevant film and book reviews, and creative writings. We are surely open to all possibilities that fit within our expansive, creative and compelling purpose.

And let’s not limit things to just the Fall. We are also on an credible track for our two editions next year, 2020. Be assured we have an amazing approach/themes planned for them. So let this call also open the doors for them.

In any event, if you or others are open, please get in touch.

Onward to more success!!!


Please share widely.

I am pleased to announce our call for manuscripts for the Fall 2019 edition of the Journal of Health and Human Experience.

We welcome any and all candidate articles in the sciences, the humanities and arts, clinical care, the professions etc.

The Journal is an online free, public access publication available on the internet at:

All information on the Journal including our author requirements are found at the same location. I recommend potential authors review the Journal’s current and past editions to review the many types of academic as well as creative articles we publish.

The Journal is an academic, interdisciplinary, international publication approved by the Library of Congress and registered in a wide variety of libraries in international and national universities and institutions including many healthcare centers and federal agencies. The Journal is a forward thinking publication that explores holistic health and the nature of humanness for individuals and communities/cultures.

Our 2019 Fall Journal edition will honor the 1969 Apollo 11 launch and first moon walk. It will also honor other very powerful 50th anniversaries this year in human rights and human development. Please note that our anniversary themes do not determine topics for publication; but rather they represent general thematic reflections for our readers regarding the Journal’s academic and humanistic service. We certainly welcome our authors to consider their topics as “discoveries” in healthcare, health sciences research, and the meaning of health itself.

We look forward to welcoming candidate manuscripts that promote new horizons and issues in health and healthcare for individuals as well as for communities and society itself including all aspects of holistic healthcare, social justice, human rights etc.

Thank you for your consideration and wide distribution.


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