A New Edition! Dr. Edward Gabriele 02 Apr 2019 20:46 EST

I am pleased to announce the publication of the Spring 2019 edition of the Journal of Health and Human Experience (Volume 5, Number 1).

The new edition is very valuable for researchers/investigators in all fields: sciences, humanities, professions. And its articles are also valuable for us in research leadership and administration.

The new edition is available for public access (no cost) at: http://jhhe.sempervifoundation.org

The full edition can be downloaded in either single pages or 2 page spreads. The individual articles and the Table of Contents also can be downloaded.

For any issues downloading or accessing/viewing the website, contact: xxxxxx@cryptictruth.com.

You will enjoy the edition’s powerful academic articles, scholarly commentaries, insightful reviews, and creative writings. We also have inaugurated a new Open Forum section that explores critically important interdisciplinary discussions on healthcare, ethics and law.

In this edition we honor the 50th anniversary of Woodstock. This remembrance movingly promotes the Journal’s expansive mission and purpose.

We hope you will visit the website soon and obtain your free copy. Please spread this great news far and wide to all colleagues, friends and institutions/agencies/communities.


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