Re: Last minute proposals from 2018: [RESADM-L] Research data linking awards to submission dates? Heather Wainwright (28 Mar 2019 09:04 EST)

Re: Last minute proposals from 2018: [RESADM-L] Research data linking awards to submission dates? Heather Wainwright 28 Mar 2019 09:04 EST

Dr. Mike Laurer, NIH's Deputy Director for Extramural Research, addressed this issue for R01s and SBIRs in his Open Mike blog post dated 30 December 2015 ( His take-away was that, for R01s in particular, submitting on the deadline day corresponded to a lower likelihood of a proposal being reviewed or awarded. That said, looking at the tables, there does not seem to be a stark difference in success rates, and SBIRs submitted day-of-deadline actually fared better. I agree with the comment from Joseph (20 Sept 2017):

"By splitting into due date vs. everything before, that may wash out the effect of all the better preparers who are mixed in with the huge number of people who submitted 1 day before the deadline. Consider a plot of the funding rate vs. the decile chronologically. With ~470 R01s in each decile, it should be possible to show significance of differences and the trend (if any)."

Except for a mention to this blog post during a more recent (2017 Dec 31) podcast with Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the Div. of Receipt and Referral in the CSR (transcript:, I could not find anywhere on the NIH website where this data has been since reconsidered/updated. Interesting.

Heather Wainwright, CRA
Sr Proposal Development Specialist
VTC | Fralin Biomedical Research Institute
2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA 24016
O: 540-526-2152
M: 662-769-4897
F: 540-985-3373


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