DURIP Program | Support Letters?
Mark Lynam 12 Mar 2019 16:10 EST
I realize what you’re about to read will seem muddled, vague, or even elicit a response along the lines of ‘Why is he even asking?!’ But in the spirit of due diligence, here we go---
We have a faculty member preparing a proposal for the DURIP program. He’s asked for guidance on how to approach/handle/request letters of collaboration with other universities and a national lab. Specifically, ideas on verbiage to use on why/how those other universities & ORNL would benefit from the equipment (that remains on our campus). Based on our conversation, I don’t think these other universities and the lab are actually collaborators on the proposal.
My first thought was, ‘Are such letters expected’? I can’t find that they are, but I want to provide him with the information he requested and then have the conversation about what value is added.
So, any exemplars, templates, or sample letters you’re able to share with me offline or to the community would be appreciated.
Sr. Coordinator, Office of Research
Tennessee Technological University
TTU Box 5164 | Cookeville, TN 38505
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