ARPA-E & Subrecpients Budget Justifications Mark Lynam (18 Feb 2019 17:34 EST)
Re: ARPA-E & Subrecpients Budget Justifications Ronald Sol (18 Feb 2019 23:29 EST)

ARPA-E & Subrecpients Budget Justifications Mark Lynam 18 Feb 2019 17:34 EST

We are preparing a submission to ARPA-E and the budget has subrecipients incurring more than 10% of the total project costs.  Where should the required supporting documentation go? In the directions below, my questions are indicated with ?? bracketing the text.

Directions state:
The Prime Recipient must complete this Budget Justification Workbook. In addition, each Subrecipient incurring greater than or equal to 10% of the Total Project Cost must complete an additional Budget Justification Workbook to justify its proposed budget<?? BUT ONLY ONE FILE CAN BE UPLOADED ??>.

The Subrecipient's Budget Justification Workbook total project costs must match the amount on tab f. Contractual in the Prime Recipient’s Budget Justification Workbook. All documents should be submitted as one package to ARPA-E <?? BUT ONLY ONE WORKBOOK CAN BE UPLOADED ??>, however, subrecipients can provide budget documents directly to ARPA-E if necessary. The Prime Recipient’s Budget Justification Workbook will not be reviewed until all supporting documentation is submitted.

Each Subrecipient incurring greater than or equal to 10% of the Total Project Costs <??>must complete a separate Budget Justification Workbook to justify its proposed budget<??>.

EERE has a section that allows sub recipient workbooks to be uploaded, but it's not available to us in ARPA-E.

I realize this is an odd way of asking the question, but if anyone can reach out to me as to handle subrecipient budget justifications for ARPA-E, it'd be appreciated!


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