I should add I'm encouraging my daughter to pursue a masters in research administration. She might be the first research administrator EVER to enter the field on purpose ;)
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> On Apr 3, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Chris Thompson <xxxxxx@moderas.org> wrote:
> I read an interesting article about the difference between vision and mission statements. A vision is something you want to accomplish. It may be a goal or a series of goals. A mission statement is why you want to accomplish it.
> What's your mission? Is it to provide the best support for researchers possible? To educate people as to the value of research and its outcomes?is it something else? I think hearing what people think their mission is could be something we all could learn from. Are you willing to share yours?
> Here's ours. To deliver the best, most affordable solutions to support research administration.
> P.S. This was inspired by the fantastic information provided by folks related to what research administrators do. I haven't seen any surprises in the lists so far but seeing it all and compiling it into a SINGLE LIST really makes the case for how daunting it truly is!
> Best regards,
> Chris
> www.moderas.co
> www.fasttrak.co
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