Seeking Budget Template Morakinyo Kuti (03 May 2017 14:06 EST)
Re: Seeking Budget Template Miceli, Penny (03 May 2017 14:26 EST)
Re: Seeking Budget Template Christopher P. Aubry (03 May 2017 14:32 EST)
Re: [Junk released by User action] Re: [RESADM-L] Seeking Budget Template Morakinyo Kuti (04 May 2017 08:23 EST)
Re: Seeking Budget Template Schreiber, Hollie (04 May 2017 08:07 EST)

Re: [Junk released by User action] Re: [RESADM-L] Seeking Budget Template Morakinyo Kuti 04 May 2017 08:23 EST


Thanks for the prompt response and information.

Morakinyo Kuti, CRA, CFRA.
Director, Sponsored Programs and Research
Central State University

-------- Original message --------
From: "Christopher P. Aubry" <xxxxxx@UMD.EDU>
Date: 5/4/17 9:19 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [Junk released by User action] Re: [RESADM-L] Seeking Budget Template

Attached is what AGNR at UMD uses. This is specific to UMD - cell H147 includes a drop-down box with our different negotiated F&A rates. This automatically calculates F&A after the exclusions.  You'd need to change the values in here, but the logic is consistent.
Cell H152 allows you to plug in any IDC rate and calculate on TDC.

Plug in your budget, select your rate, enter the sponor's option, and you'll see the difference between F&A calcuations using TDC or MTDC.

Christopher P. Aubry
 Assistant Director, AgPAS
 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
 The University of Maryland<>

AGNR Pre-Award Services
1105 Symons Hall
7998 Regents Drive
College Park, MD  20742-5515
Please reference  AGNR's Admin Procedure for Proposal Review<>, which details the time-dependent level of review for all proposals processed by AgPAS. Please be timely with your submissions; the likelihood of your proposal being selected for funding is dependent upon it.

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Morakinyo Kuti <<>> wrote:
I am seeking a budget template for USDA projects that shows the difference  between the maximum allowable rate of 30% per USDA guidelines and an Institution’s negotiated rate.


Morakinyo A.O. Kuti, CRA, CFRA
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
Central State University
P.O. Box 1004
Wilberforce, Ohio 45384

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