Remembering and Honoring a Navy Medicine Hero... Edward Gabriele 29 Dec 2016 18:30 EST

With great regret I wanted to inform our research administration community of the passing of CAPT Moise Willis, NC, USN (ret) on December 11, 2016.

CAPT Willis was a tremendous supporter of Navy Medicine research and its executive administration both in the US and overseas. His service of others was completely selfless — such a model for all. He was the epitome of what it means to be Navy, a nurse, and a discoverer. He was a man who embodied in his very person what it means to care and to heal — never looking for anything for himself.

CAPT Willis was so much more than a healthcare "provider." In an age when we grimly experience too much talk of healthcare as if it were nothing more than a money-making business, his life and person reminded us that healthcare is "human care" before anything else. A man of deep faith, he was truly a selfless "healer" of others. He always stood close to those in pain and embraced them with the fulness of love, respect and care. I had the absolute privilege of knowing him and serving with him for years. He was a wonderful friend. And he was a man who was caught up in the wonder and joy of healthcare research and discovery. He supported and promoted every act of research that brought healing to others. May he now know Eternal Joy and Peace. And may his wife Olivia and all of his family know the grace of consolation.

Please note that we will honor Captain Willis by dedicating to him the Fall 2017 edition of the Journal of Health and Human Experience. The edition will feature a special biography in the Journal's special section "Profiles in Courage: The Next Generation." The article will be written by the section's celebrated Editor/Author, Mr. Jan Herman, Former Historian of Navy Medicine. Stay tuned!

The Journal's website is found at:

Rev. Dr. Edward Gabriele
Former Special Assistant for Ethics & Professional to the Navy Surgeon General
Former Executive Research Integrity Officer, Navy Medicine

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